I'm a research fellow in the Stanford University Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. I completed my PhD in Aerospace Engineering at Stanford, funded by the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. My current research is focused on decision-making in safety-critical, climate, and space systems, where operational decisions must be made made quickly and correctly in complex environments while still being explainable and understandable by human stakeholders. I love space exploration and solving hard problems with good people.
I'm currently the Executive Director of the Stanford Center for AI Safety, and a post-doctoral researcher with appointments in Mineral-X and the Stanford Intelligent Systems Laboratory (SISL). I also consult with companies, particularly space start-ups, on technical leadership, software engineering, engineering operations, and technical analysis. I'm open to new opportunities.
If you're looking to get in touch you can reach me at [first name].[last name]@stanford.edu. For consulting inquiries, please reach out to [first name]@argoinnovations.com.